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March 12, 2024

Extropic is hiring an intern to aid in our Boston-based R&D efforts. We are building new types of computers that leverage the inherent stochastic properties of semiconductors as a computational resource. The successful candidate will help us design and test novel integrated circuit devices.

Our work is highly interdisciplinary, so there are many possible ways for an intern to contribute. Responsibilities will vary significantly depending on intern experience level and competence. Some possible responsibilities are:

-Circuit design, layout, simulation, testing etc.

-Calibration and characterization

-Designing and fabricating test setups

-Development of simulation code for deployment on HPC

-Lab development: machine setup, compute cluster bringup, facility improvement

Many possible skillsets could be useful in this position. All strong candidates are encouraged to apply. Some examples are:

-Strong academic background (high grades in math and physics, research experience)

-Electrical and mechanical prototyping skills. Breadboarding, machining, etc.

-Strong background in programming for scientific computing (python)

-Strong physical intuition.

$50,000 - $100,000 a year

Since we will consider both junior and senior students, compensation may vary significantly

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Extropic AI

Extropic AI's is a self-assembling intelligence from the future, merging generative AI with the physics of the world.
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