
Contextual AI


Contextual AI is a company focused on developing enterprise-focused language models, aiming to address the limitations of current large language models (LLMs) by incorporating a technique known as retrieval augmented generation (RAG).

Contextual AI's approach enhances the performance of LLMs by augmenting them with external sources to provide context-aware responses, making them more suitable for enterprise applications where accuracy, reliability, and traceability of information are crucial. The company, which emerged from stealth mode with $20 million in seed funding, is co-founded by Douwe Kiela and Amanpreet Singh, who have backgrounds in AI research and development at notable organizations like Hugging Face and Meta.

Contextaul AI founding team is passionate about solving hard and important problems that exist in the real world. Having spent time as research leaders at many of the world’s top AI institutions, from Stanford and NYU to Facebook AI Research and Hugging Face, the team is excited to embark on this new endeavor to build the next generation of large language models, tailored specifically towards real-world enterprise use-cases.

The culture at Contextual AI is described as very independent and autonomous, with a focus on flexible work hours and fair pay.

Contextual AI is at the forefront of developing advanced language models tailored for enterprise use, promising to overcome the limitations of existing LLMs. The company's culture emphasizes independence and flexibility, while the broader application of AI in the workplace, including in employee benefits administration, offers both operational efficiencies and profound cultural benefits that can enhance team morale, collaboration, and overall organizational effectiveness.

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Contextual AI

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Contextual AI

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